High standards can only be met with high quality
The food and pharmaceutical industries make products that people trust implicitly. This reputation is hard-won, and both sectors are subject to complex regulations, guidelines and standards. That means safety technology solutions in these industries not only have to comply with standards, but must also be documented seamlessly and transparently. We offer products that meet the strictest requirements on purity and surface quality. Low-carbon stainless steel alloys and elastomers with FDA approval are just as crucial here as an aseptic design that permits sterile cleaning. We too, of course, have to keep comprehensive records of the installed components and service activities. In addition, we can supply all the certificates that the food and pharmaceutical industries need. Our activities for the food and pharmaceutical sectors bring leading names together. We can offer both products of top European brands for process safety as well as certified service operations. This quality is ultimately backed by the names of our customers – among whom we can count all major international players with a presence in Switzerland.