Industriestrasse 32
CH-3175 Flamatt
Tel. +41 31 744 00 00

Beat GeissmannManaging Director |

Fabian BürgiHead of Technical Department |

Alain KurzHead of Sales & Marketing |

Therese RiedoHead of Finance & Human Resources |

Adrian ZimmermannHead of Workshop and Revisions |

Gioia Gempeler-JaussiHead of Business Development, Digitalization |

Thomas BorerNorthwestern part of Switzerland |

Ali BozCentral part of Switzerland / Aargau |

Claudio ManzatoWestern part of Switzerland / Tessin |

Igor TekavcEastern part of Switzerland |

Jürg WilliCentral part of Switzerland Berne / Wallis, ZIP 3000-3999 |

André CarrelConsultancy Ticino region |

Christian BurProduct Management |

Esther AeschlimannInformation / Billing / Documentation |

Herbert BuchmannLESER, safety relief valves |

Roberto Di TommasoMankenberg, PROTEGO, diverse armatures |

Evelyne GilgenLESER, safety relief valves, bursting discs |

Jvo JulmySchlesinger, Zetkama, diverse armatures |

Doris LeiserGESTRA, steam traps, non-return |

Patrick SchöpferSafety devices, safety relief valves, bursting discs |

Libert SokoudjouSafety relief valves, safety devices, bursting discs |

Janik SommerSafety relief valves, safety devices, bursting discs |

Urs FuhrerEnergy installations, safety relief valves, safety devices |

Khaled IbrahimiSteam traps, armatures, energy installations |

Anastasia PurschwitzSteam traps, armatures, energy installations |

Thomas AmslerTechnical projects, IT |

Patrick RiederSteam traps measurements |

Rita ProzzilloAssistance CEO, Marketing, seminars, web |

Gina Di PasqualeQuality assurance, marketing, training |

Jolanda KlausAccounting (accounts receivable) |
Team workshopRevisions, maintenance / upkeep, steam traps measurements |
From Berne:
At the limits of Berne exit the motorway A1 to the A12 direction Fribourg. Follow the motorway and take the exit Flamatt. At the roundabout turn right towards Oberflamatt, then (at the restaurant Herrenmatt) take the first road to the right that will lead you to our building. Parking spaces are directly in front of the building.
From Fribourg:
Coming from Fribourg / Düdingen follow the motorway A12 direction Berne up to the exit Flamatt. At the roundabout turn right towards Oberflamatt, then (at the restaurant Herrenmatt) take the first road to the right that will lead you to our building. Parking spaces are directly in front of the building.